
Formation for Medical School

详情请参阅 课程目录.


医学预科课程是一门为学生进入对抗疗法医学院(MD)做准备的课程。, osteopathic medical school (DO), or podiatric medical school (DPM). A student can be any major and still be pre-med, but will be most successful in a major he or she is passionate about. 然而,有一些共同的先决条件科学课程是医学院要求或推荐的. In addition, a student must take the medical college admissions test (MCAT).


  • 艾琳·劳伯,21岁


    Medical student at the University of Kansas Medical Center

    “It's truly the people that make Benedictine so special. The care and support that I felt in my relationships with incredible professors, 专用的同学, 我所能要求的最好的教练和队友是帮助我在医学事业上取得成功的人. 我每天经历的仆人式领导的例子为我作为一名医生希望如何为他人服务树立了标准. 而本尼迪克特严谨的学术为我的医学生涯做了充分的准备, 我相信这是我在四年中所经历的真诚的关系和同情的社区,这让我做好了最充分的准备.”

  • Leandra Morgenthaler, 21届

    Leandra Morgenthaler, 21届

    Medical student at the 密苏里大学

    "Attending Benedictine College was truly a gift, and I received immense support and encouragement through the pre-med program. The personalized guidance made the difference in planning my schedule, 获得研究经验, and preparing for the MCAT and admissions 过程. 本笃会独特地将天主教信仰置于学校所做的一切的中心:我不仅接受了全面的教育, I saw who I wanted to become in my mentors and peers. 我希望我能把我在本笃会学到的东西,在未来我遇到的每一个病人身上为上帝服务. If I had to choose all over again where to complete my pre-med studies, it would be Benedictine every time!"

  • 加布LeBeau


    Medical student at the University of Kansas Medical Center

    Through its small class sizes, 有天赋的教员, and extracurricular resources, 本尼迪克特学院为我提供了一个温馨的环境,既挑战又激励我追求医学. 医学预科学生接受的良好教育不仅会导致他们成功申请医学院, 但它也为每个学生在医学院遇到的学术严谨做好了准备. 更重要的是, 本尼迪克特学院真正的天主教文科方法为学生提供了必要的人类形成,以培养有一天作为医生为他人服务的呼吁. This culture taught me the importance of integrating, 而不是分离, my life as a Catholic and my life in medicine, and for this I am incredibly grateful.

  • 伊甸园安德森


    Medical student at the 华盛顿大学

    “Benedictine College is where I said ‘yes’ to my calling to become a physician. Inspired by the courage and dedication of my fellow pre-med biology students, 并且得到了优秀教师的支持,他们推动我取得了很高的学业成绩,并提供了研究经验的机会, 临床接触, 志愿者活动, 在这里,我意识到我可以用一种真正的天主教方式来实现我对医学的召唤.”

  • 布兰登Betsch


    Medical student at the University of Kansas Medical Center

    “Knowledgeable professors that are always available, a high set of standards that leave you well equipped for life after graduation, 为你量身打造的支持性文化使本系成为理想的学习环境. If you are willing to put in the work, 他们有成为一名成功的医学院申请者所需要的一切.”

  • 雅各库欣


    Medical student at the University of Kansas Medical Center

    “我在本尼迪克特学院接受的教育为我的信仰和学识奠定了基础,帮助我进入医学院并取得成功. I hope to use the same passion, 本尼迪克特医院的教职员工所效仿的谦卑和基督般的领导才能有一天为我的病人提供高质量的护理.”

  • 雷切尔·埃尔南德斯

    雷切尔·埃尔南德斯, 17岁


    “我相信,选择本尼迪克特作为我的本科院校,为我未来的医学生涯做了比我想象的更多的准备. 从我的领导力课程中, to the botany and micro labs, to the one-on-one interactions with my professors, 我能够发展关键技能,使我能够在教学课程中脱颖而出,并提供高质量的课程, compassionate care to my patients.”

  • 艾米丽·代尔


    Medical student at 克莱顿大学

    “我在本尼迪克特的教授们教我永远不要停止提问和寻找答案. 这些原则在我的医学院之旅中至关重要,并将指导我作为一名医生的整个职业生涯.”

Rigorous Liberal Arts Formation

Medical school is academically intensive, 需要大量的记忆和理解复杂的科学思想. 此外, it necessitates the ability to critically analyze, 过程, 太阳城官网, and communicate the learned information. 理科和文科相结合的课程将为在医学院取得成功打下坚实的基础.

本尼迪克特学院提供各种严谨的理科和文科课程,这些课程不仅提供进入医学院所需的先决条件, 但也有文科框架,有助于批判性分析,以及书面和口头交流.


要被医学院录取,你必须修一些共同的先决条件课程, 有几个专业会允许你修本专业的这些必修课程. 这些专业在学术上要求严格,为你进入医学院做准备. 一些可以帮助学生为医学院做准备的医学预科专业的例子是生物学, 生物化学, 心理学, 或化学.

According to the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), 在被录取的医学生中,最常见的专业是生物学或生物化学(54%)。, followed by chemistry (10% of matriculants) and psychology (10% of matriculants).


Medical schools expect students to not only have a strong academic record, 而且在课堂之外也有很强的领导能力和服务能力. 学生应该在学校和更广泛的社区中寻找服务机会,表现出同情心和同理心帮助他人的愿望. 此外, students should demonstrate the ability to be a leader in different environments, establishing a clear intrapersonal maturity. 本尼迪克特学院有很多机会参加学生组织, 学术团体, and community service projects both at home and abroad.

Strong 学生-教师 Relationships

Medical schools expect students to have strong letters of evaluations, vouching for the student’s academic aptitude and overall motivation. 在本笃学院, because of small class sizes and professor-guided research opportunities, students have numerous opportunities to interact one-on-one with professors. 这样建立的关系不仅有助于写推荐信, 但将提供可持续的专业关系,为学生在本科及以后的职业生涯中提供社区学习的基础.


玛莎Z. Carletti, Ph值.D.
Director of Advising for 医学预科ical 健康care Professions
Associate Professor of Biology


CHEM-2200/2201Organic Chemistry 1 with lab
CHEM-2210/2211Organic Chemistry 2 with lab
化学- 3500生物化学1
心理学- 1000普通心理学
心理学- 2503生命的发展
西奥- 3940基督徒的生命伦理
杂志- 1121年普通生物学1带实验室
杂志- 1122年普通生物学2带实验
BIOL-3000/4000 +*Upper-level biology courses
  1. 与智力
    1. Display a curiosity in learning different subjects.
    2. Strive to both learn and retain information.
    3. 参加讲座 & 学术讨论.
  2. Familiarize Yourself with the 健康care Field
    1. 跟随医生.
    2. Volunteer in hospitals or nursing homes.
    3. Work in the healthcare field.
  3. 发展你的研究技能
    1. Work with professors on individual research projects.
    2. 在发现日或任何适用的科学会议上展示研究成果.
  4. Perform Volunteer and 服务 Work
    1. 参与社区活动.
    2. Show empathy and understandings of others.
    3. Broaden appreciation of diverse backgrounds and experiences.
  5. 反思旅程
    1. Recognize strengths and weaknesses.
    2. Seek opportunities to improve.
  • Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • 俄克拉荷马州立大学
  • AT Still University, Kansas City University
  • Kansas College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • 圣路易斯大学
  • 威斯康星大学
  • University of Toledo College of Medicine
  • University of the Incarnate Word School of Osteopathic Medicine
  • University of Kansas Medical Center
  • University of Kansas Medical Center - Wichita
  • Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences
  • 克莱顿大学
  • 北达科他大学
  • 华盛顿大学
  • 华盛顿州立大学
  • University of Nebraska Medical Center
  • 密苏里大学
  • 伊利诺伊大学
  • 俄克拉荷马大学
  • 西密歇根大学
  • 南达科他大学
  • 密苏里大学 - Kansas City
  • 密苏里大学
  • Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • Ross University School of Medicine
  • American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine
  • Des Moines University College of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery
  • Rosalind Franklin University
  • University of California-Irvine

请参阅 医学预科手册 for more information about this course of study.

一定要充分利用本尼迪克特学院提供的研究生支持和指导 学生成功中心.
